Sunday, December 6, 2020

Our Lady Is With Us...

12/2020 --

My wife and I moved to N. California recently. We have been attending church at St. Mary's in Arcata. The masses are now held outdoors because of Covid.

There is a lovely statue of Our Lady, but if you look closely you will see she is missing her hands. Perhaps this is a sign she has joined us in our suffering. Like Her Son, allowing herself to become both victim and priest -- praying for the well-being of all God's children...

May the Lord be praised!

Update, 5/2022 --

Now, a year or so later -- and without knowing how/when it occurred, this lovely statue of Our Lady has been repaired.

Her hands are now visibly back in the position of prayer. Our masses are returning to the indoors; the pandemic (for a time) seems to be lifting.

Perhaps some small sign(s) of the good things that come to those who wait upon the Lord...

10/2022 --

Our Lady has lost her hands again. Perhaps a sign of the evil and darkness still in the world. Let us wait with her in silence -- until God comes to our aid.