Wednesday, January 29, 2025

The Process of Prayer...

 What can one say about prayer? Many talented saints like Teresa of Avila have done wonderfully and written whole books about it. What more can I add? Even the Lord himself gave us the Lord's Prayer, if that's not enough! But thought I would write down a simple approach, borrowed and pieced-together from various sources. Take it for what it's worth! (grin)

Let us start by telling God that we love him. We enjoy spending time with him. We recognize who God is, and who we are in relation to God.
I love you, Jesus.

We continue by thanking God. For all the good things in life. For the beauty of creation. For the gift of good friends and the company of those we know.
Thank you, Jesus.

Then we move on to telling the Lord how we’re sorry. How we’ve fallen short. How we’ve offended God and our fellow human beings.
Forgive me, Jesus.

We ask God to look after the people we know who are hurting – who are in need of assisstance.
Take care of them, Jesus.

We ask God for healing for ourselves. We bring any particular problems we are having to God’s attention.
Help me, Jesus.

We tell the Lord that we surrender our lives to him. We trust him for our health and well-being.
I surrender myself to you, Jesus. I trust in you, Jesus.

Finally, we ask the Lord to be with us, to guide us, and to protect us in the coming days ahead.
Stay with me, Jesus!


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