Friday, December 30, 2016

Authorship and Dating of the Gospels

Before my father (John H. Jakob) passed away in 2011, he spent a number of months (years?) doing research and working on a paper with another gentleman (Bill Hallinan, Phoenix, AZ). 

The paper deals with the question of authorship and dating of the Synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke).

Yes, this is a tribute to my dad's legacy. But it is also an important, interesting topic that deserves to be more widely publicized. 

As you might know, many contemporary authors now believe the synoptic gospels were written in the period 65 - 80 AD.  My father's paper points out that this is simply not correct.  Dad's and Bill's paper provides evidence (and plenty of evidence, I might add) demonstrating the gospels were written by Matthew, Mark, and Luke themselves -- within approximately 10-15 years of Our Lord's death.

Recently I obtained the text of the document, and using OCR software extracted the contents into a word-processing format.  The new format makes the document easier to manage and update going forward.   Also, I have been in-touch with the other author, Bill Hallinan, and have secured his approval for distributing the new format.

For reference only, Here is a link to the OLD article in its (now obsolete) format:

Here is a link to the article in its newest, updated format:


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